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Fostering A Christ-Honoring Diverse Community

Building a Biblically Diverse Community for Christ

OUR PRIMARY VALUE IS CHRISTLIKENESS, and it has been our community’s desire to reflect and promote the diversity of God’s Kingdom as a group of learners and believers. In the last decade, IWU has made significant strides toward a culture of biblical diversity and inclusion, led by individuals with a clear vision of the University’s future. Together, we’re building an inclusive community not as a matter of duty, but because we believe transformational education starts with diversity of experience, thought and culture.


Task Force on Diversity

At the direction of the IWU Board of Trustees, a task force was formed to examine and recommend an approach to create a climate that would be welcoming to all students and faculty of multicultural diversity and international origins. The task force conducted a Diversity Audit Survey to gain a clearer understanding of diversity at IWU and formulate an appropriate action plan.


Multicultural Enrichment Council Established

The council was established to foster richly diverse curricular and co-curricular educational experiences and spiritual formation rooted in the Wesleyan tradition.


Executive Level Leadership for Diversity

A chief diversity officer position, with corresponding office was established by President Wright. The Chief Diversity Officer serves as a member of the executive leadership team. This office has stimulated the creation or growth of similar positions and offices within each part of the University.

First Strategic Plan

The inaugural Chief Diversity Officer developed the first University-wide strategic plan to guide and expand efforts in diversity and multiculturalism.

Faculty Diversity Training

These sessions focused on diversity in race, gender, religion, socioeconomic class, and other markers of difference in contemporary culture. Since 2013, IWU has developed the 7:9 training, which provides a biblically based understanding of diversity and identity for all University employees.


Inaugural Martin Luther King Gospel Celebration

This annual, signature event is enjoyed by students, faculty and community members. It is one of eleven annual events celebrating our rich diversity.

Diversity Mapping Project

The diversity mapping project provided data gauging IWU’s progress on diversity and inclusive excellence, as well as spotlighting areas for improvement.


Diversity Recruitment & Retention Workshop

In February, a Diversity Recruitment & Retention workshop led by Dr. Sonel Shropshire was offered to IWU faculty.


Luther Lee Scholarship

The Luther Lee Scholarship program is established with 10 students enrolled in the inaugural cohort. This program provides full-tuition scholarships to high schoolers from underrepresented backgrounds who exhibit intercultural leadership. Eligibility is open to first generation students, students of color or low income Pell-eligible students. To receive the scholarship, students must demonstrate academic achievement and interest. Each Luther Lee Scholar is also a part of the John Wesley Honors College.


Conversations on the Common Day of Learning

Springing from this conversation-driven annual event, a stable and growing number of multicultural conversations, celebrations, and affinity groups have grown throughout the University and across the years, reaching out to the full IWU community with in-person and online programming.

Diversity Campus Climate Survey

With the completion of the Diversity Campus Climate survey, qualitative reports were compiled to identify institutional action items flowing out of the findings. There has been a consistent growth in analysis of the specific success or engagement of students and employees of color in the University and individual program dashboard indicators, including periodic initiatives such as assessing the campus climate for diversity.


Diversity of Full-Time Faculty article published on May 21, 2021, titled, “Race, Ethnicity and Gender of Full-Time Faculty Members at More than 3,400 Institutions”, out of IWU’s 287 full-time faculty:

  • 49.1% Women

  • 3.1% Asian

  • 6.3% Black

  • 2.8% Hispanic